ORBCoN Status

Some Bloody Easy Audits are still offline.

Bloody Easy Tech Assessment

NOTE: If your facility is interested in accessing the ORBCoN Tech Assess program on the ORBCoN LMS, please contact [email protected] and provide the name for site administrator.


Bloody Easy Audits

NOTE: Bloody Easy Audits will be reviewed and rebuilds of each audit will be prioritized based on demand. For manual audits please refer to the following printable audit forms:




Bloody Easy Lite

NOTE: If you are looking to complete the Bloody Easy Lite eLearning, please reach out to the site administrator at your facility. If you are a site administrator and need access to the new LMS, or do not know who your site administrator is, please reach out to Troy Thompson at [email protected].


Bloody Easy Blood Administration eLearning

NOTE: If you are looking to complete the Bloody Easy Blood Administration eLearning, please reach out to the site administrator at your facility. If you are a site administrator and need access to the new LMS, or do not know who your site administrator is, please reach out to Troy Thompson at [email protected].


IVIG Calculator

NOTE: The Ontario IG Dose Calculator has been revised (January 2025).


Platelet web application


Order resources functionality

Order resources here
transfusionontario.org website